import shutil
import lucene
from java.io import File
from org.apache.lucene import analysis, document, index, queryparser, search, store
from lupyne import engine
assert lucene.getVMEnv() or lucene.initVM()
analyzer = analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer()
directory = store.FSDirectory.open(File('tempIndex').toPath())
config = index.IndexWriterConfig(analyzer)
iwriter = index.IndexWriter(directory, config)
doc = document.Document()
text = "This is the text to be indexed."
doc.add(document.Field('fieldname', text, document.TextField.TYPE_STORED))
# Now search the index:
ireader = index.DirectoryReader.open(directory)
isearcher = search.IndexSearcher(ireader)
# Parse a simple query that searches for "text":
parser = queryparser.classic.QueryParser('fieldname', analyzer)
query = parser.parse('text')
hits = isearcher.search(query, 10).scoreDocs
assert len(hits) == 1
# Iterate through the results:
storedFields = isearcher.storedFields()
for hit in hits:
hitDoc = storedFields.document(hit.doc)
assert hitDoc['fieldname'] == text
# Indexer combines Writer and Searcher; StandardAnalyzer is the default
indexer = engine.Indexer('tempIndex')
# default indexed text settings for documents
indexer.set('fieldname', engine.Field.Text, stored=True)
indexer.add(fieldname=text) # add document
indexer.commit() # commit changes and refresh searcher
hits = indexer.search('text', field='fieldname') # parsing handled if necessary
assert len(hits) == 1
for hit in hits: # hits support mapping interface
assert hit['fieldname'] == text
# closing is handled automatically
del indexer
from org.apache.lucene.queries import spans
q1 = search.TermQuery(index.Term('text', 'lucene'))
q2 = (
.add(index.Term('text', 'search'))
.add(index.Term('text', 'engine'))
search.BooleanQuery.Builder().add(q1, search.BooleanClause.Occur.MUST).add(
q2, search.BooleanClause.Occur.MUST
<BooleanQuery: +text:lucene +text:"search engine">
q1 = spans.SpanTermQuery(index.Term('text', 'hello'))
q2 = spans.SpanTermQuery(index.Term('text', 'world'))
q3 = spans.SpanPositionRangeQuery(q1, 0, 10)
q4 = spans.SpanNearQuery([q1, q2], 0, True)
spans.SpanNotQuery(q3, q4)
<SpanNotQuery: spanNot(spanPosRange(text:hello, 0, 10), spanNear([text:hello, text:world], 0, true), 0, 0)>
Q = engine.Query
Q.term('text', 'lucene') & Q.phrase('text', 'search', 'engine')
<BooleanQuery: +text:lucene +text:"search engine">
Q.span('text', 'hello')[:10] - Q.near('text', 'hello', 'world')
<SpanNotQuery: spanNot(spanPosRange(text:hello, 0, 10), spanNear([text:hello, text:world], 0, true), 0, 0)>
Advanced searching with custom fields.
Lupyne ShapeFields and DateTimeFields are implemented as lucene Shape and Point fields. NestedFields simulate a composite index. The fields have convenience methods for creating prefix and range queries.
from datetime import date
from org.apache.lucene import geo
docs = [
'city': 'San Francisco',
'state': 'CA',
'incorporated': '1850-04-15',
'population': 808976,
'longitude': -122.4192,
'latitude': 37.7752,
'city': 'Los Angeles',
'state': 'CA',
'incorporated': '1850-04-04',
'population': 3849378,
'longitude': -118.2434,
'latitude': 34.0521,
'city': 'Portland',
'state': 'OR',
'incorporated': '1851-02-08',
'population': 575930,
'longitude': -122.6703,
'latitude': 45.5238,
indexer = engine.Indexer('tempIndex')
indexer.set('city', stored=True)
indexer.set('state', stored=True)
# set method supports custom field types inheriting their default settings
indexer.set('incorporated', engine.DateTimeField)
indexer.set('year-month-day', engine.NestedField, sep='-')
indexer.set('population', dimensions=1)
indexer.set('point', engine.ShapeField)
# assigned fields can have a different key from their underlying field name
indexer.fields['location'] = engine.NestedField('state.city')
for doc in docs:
doc['year-month-day'] = doc['incorporated']
point = geo.Point(doc.pop('latitude'), doc.pop('longitude'))
location = doc['state'] + '.' + doc['city']
incorporated = map(int, doc.pop('incorporated').split('-'))
indexer.add(doc, location=location, incorporated=date(*incorporated), point=point)
query = indexer.fields['incorporated'].prefix([1850])
[hit['city'] for hit in indexer.search(query)]
['San Francisco', 'Los Angeles']
query = indexer.fields['incorporated'].range(date(1850, 4, 10), None)
[hit['city'] for hit in indexer.search(query)]
['San Francisco', 'Portland']
query = indexer.fields['year-month-day'].prefix('1850')
<PrefixQuery: year:1850*>
[hit['city'] for hit in indexer.search(query)]
['San Francisco', 'Los Angeles']
query = indexer.fields['year-month-day'].range('1850-04-10', None)
<TermRangeQuery: year-month-day:[1850-04-10 TO *}>
[hit['city'] for hit in indexer.search(query)]
['San Francisco', 'Portland']
query = Q.ranges('population', (0, 1000000))
[hit['city'] for hit in indexer.search(query)]
['San Francisco', 'Portland']
cities = ['San Francisco', 'Los Angeles', 'Portland']
for distance in [1e3, 1e5, 7e5, 1e6]:
query = indexer.fields['point'].within(geo.Circle(37.7, -122.4, distance))
print([hit['city'] for hit in indexer.search(query)])
[] ['San Francisco'] ['San Francisco', 'Los Angeles'] ['San Francisco', 'Los Angeles', 'Portland']
query = indexer.fields['location'].prefix('CA.San')
query # works like any prefix query
<PrefixQuery: state.city:CA.San*>
[hit['city'] for hit in indexer.search(query)]
['San Francisco']
query = indexer.fields['location'].prefix('CA')
query # optimized to search the best field
<PrefixQuery: state:CA*>
[hit['city'] for hit in indexer.search(query)]
del indexer
PyLucene has several pitfalls when collecting or sorting a large query result. Generally they involve the overhead of traversing the VM in an internal loop.
Lucene also requires supplying a maximum doc count for searches, and supplying an excessively large count is a poor workaround because the collection heap is pre-allocated.
To mitigate these problems, Lupyne first provides a unified search interface. The same Hits type is returned regardless of optional doc count or sorting parameters. As with lucene, the result is fully evaluated but each individual Hit object will only be loaded on demand. Internally a CachingCollector is used when all docs are requested.
The search method allows lucene Sort parameters to be passed through, since that's still optimal. Additionally the hits themselves can be sorted afterwards with any python callable key. The IndexReader.docvalues method is convenient for creating a sort key table from fields with docvalues. The upshot is custom sorting and sorting large results are both easier and faster.
Custom sorting isn't necessary in the below example of course, just there for demonstration.
colors = 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow'
indexer = engine.Indexer('tempIndex')
indexer.set('color', engine.Field.String, stored=True, docValuesType='sorted')
for color in colors:
searcher = search.IndexSearcher(indexer.indexReader)
sorter = search.Sort(search.SortField('color', search.SortField.Type.STRING))
topdocs = searcher.search(search.MatchAllDocsQuery(), 10, sorter)
storedFields = searcher.storedFields()
[storedFields.document(scoredoc.doc)['color'] for scoredoc in topdocs.scoreDocs]
['blue', 'cyan', 'green', 'magenta', 'red', 'yellow']
hits = indexer.search(sort='color')
[hit['color'] for hit in hits]
['blue', 'cyan', 'green', 'magenta', 'red', 'yellow']
docvalues = hits.docvalues('color')
{0: 'red', 1: 'green', 2: 'blue', 3: 'cyan', 4: 'magenta', 5: 'yellow'}
hits = indexer.search().sorted(docvalues.__getitem__)
[hit['color'] for hit in hits]
del indexer
Lupyne supports lucene's contrib grouping.GroupingSearch interface, but it has some limitations. GroupingSearch objects only support single-valued strings, and won't find zero-valued facets. Lupyne also supports grouping hits by an arbitrary function after the original search. Similar to sorting, the native approach is generally more efficient, proportional to the number of documents culled.
Lupyne can also compute facet counts with intersected queries. Although seemingly less efficient, it may be faster with small numbers of terms. It also has no limitations on multiple values, and can be fully customized without reindexing.
import itertools
colors = 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow'
facets = dict(zip(colors, itertools.count(1)))
indexer = engine.Indexer('tempIndex')
indexer.set('color', engine.Field.String, stored=True, docValuesType='sorted')
for color in facets:
for _ in range(facets[color]):
query = Q.alldocs()
Groupby using GroupingSearch.
for hits in indexer.groupby('color', query):
assert facets[hits.value] == hits.count
(hit,) = hits
assert hit['color'] == hits.value
Groupby using Hits.
hits = indexer.search(query)
for hits in hits.groupby(hits.docvalues('color').__getitem__, docs=1):
assert facets[hits.value] == hits.count
(hit,) = hits
assert hit['color'] == hits.value
Facets using GroupingSearch.
indexer.facets(query, 'color')
{'color': {'red': 1, 'green': 2, 'blue': 3, 'cyan': 4, 'magenta': 5, 'yellow': 6}}
Facets using query counts.
queries = {'additive': Q.any(color=colors[:3]), 'subtractive': Q.any(color=colors[3:])}
indexer.facets(query, color=queries)
del indexer